Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We spent the Halloween at the mall. There were a bunch of kids coming in and out of various shops, asking for candies. All of them were so cute! I wish I spent a day in costume when I was younger. There were really a lot of things that I wish I could've done.

Later in the afternoon, I met up with a friend. Her nieces and nephews were adorable! One in particular, Pao the baby Tigger. I couldn't help myself so I asked to carry him around as we walked to the next building for the registration.

Overall, it was a fine day. I was with my mom and my sister the entire time, enjoying the fact that we got to see the inside of a mall again.

It has been a long time since. Mostly because I was busy paying bills these past few weeks. I normally take everyone to the movies or just plain window shopping. It's been strained this October.

Anyway, Halloween made up for it. It was a super fun day with my family.

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